Fineacid Premium / Fineacid Super

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Fineacid Premium / Fineacid Super

FINEACIDE PREMIUM isahighperformance,lowfoaming,hightemperaturestableacidbufferfor disperse dyeing of polyester & its blends. Its synergetic association of organic acidsallows a perfect adjusting of the desired pH during the whole process of dyeing. It is anunique acid buffer capable of neutralising alkali present at the core of the fiber/ fabricduringthealkalinetreatmentatvariousstagesof wet-processing.


Appearance                                         :               Colorless liquid

Ionic Nature                                        :           Anionic

pH (1% solution )                                :           2.0  –  4.0

Specific Gravity 250C – 30 0C           :           1.09 ± 0.10


  • APs & APEOsfree
  • Biodegradable
  • LowBOD&COD
  • Non-volatile
  • Nopungentodourasinthecaseofaceticacid
  • Powerfulacidbuffer,stableoverwiderangeoftemperature.
  • Ensures&maintainsconstantpHandishighlyrobust.Retainsitsefficiencyevenat elevated temperatures encountered during dyeing / print fixation of Dispersedyesonpolyester.
  • Itenablesuseofthosedispersedyeswhicharesensitivetoalkaliorreduction.
  • Itimprovesshadeconsistencyanddoesnotaffectbrightness.
  • Doesnot affecthandleandtone ofthe dyed/ printed fabrics duringfinishing.
  • Can be used as Acetic acid substitute during optical brightening of polyesterfabricsowingtoitsnon-volatilenature;soalsoduringfinishingofsyntheticfibres.
  • Due to its high penetrating & strong neutralizing property, it can be used toneutralizecottonwoven/knittedfabricsafterscouring&bleaching,readyfordyeing.
  • ItisadvantagestouseFINEACIDPREMIUMforneutralizingcottonfabricsafter.
  • Itcanbeusedtoneutralizecottonfabrics/cheesesafterdyeingwithreactiveandvatdyeswhichneedscausticsodaandsoda ash.
  • It is an exclusive acid donar while dyeing nylon fibre/fabric with acid and metalcomplexdyes.
  • Nofabricyellowingduringdryingofcottonfabricsondryingrangeorstenterafterscouring&bleachingduetocorealkalineutralization.
  • IdeallysuitedforneutralizingaftermercerizationofDenims&suiting’smadeupofverycores yarns

NOTE:For any application related or technical query about the product, kindly contact our technical team on [email protected]


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