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Fineotex Chemical Limited started as a dream to create clean chemistries.Each day, whether at its physical spaces or in the minds of its family members, is the culmination of passion, the coming together of science and art, fueled by the desire to make life better. FCL has achieved several milestones as its chemistries stream their ways into multiple industries. The horizon only gets bigger as our laboratories strive harder to boil up newer formulations that are both economical and environmentally friendly.

A perfect blend. The ideal balance. The accurate construct. All that matters before we put each of our formulations through an array of demanding tests to reach exalting standards. We are committed to the cause of clean chemistry and we realise that each of our production factories, and those of our partners, are a force that can shape the future of this industry. We are re-imagining the future of the chemical space and leading the change needed to move towards greener formulations.

FCL’s vision is to be a partner to people and the planet. It, by no account, undermines our current standing. We have always believed in green chemistry and we work inspired by French chemist Antoine Laurent de Lavosier whose historic words drive all our preparations: “Consider nature a vast chemical laboratory in which all kinds of composition and decompositions are formed.”