Finocon ABSZWP 40

Finocon ABSZWP 40

  FINOCON ABSZ  WP40 is an additive for reducing back staining in desizing and cellulase abrasion process.FINOCON ABSZ WP40 can be used for both wetting and dispersing in desize, abrasion and clean up, after enzymatic abrasion / bleaching.


Appearance                                                    :           Off white paste

Ionic Nature                                                    :           Non-ionic


  • FINOCON ABSZ WP40 has an excellent dispersing and anti re-deposition properties minimizing staining of pocketing and labels and keeping filling whiter.
  • The dispersing  properties  of FINOCON ABSZ WP40 minimizes likelihood of agglomeration, scaling and re-deposition of process / solubilized contaminants.
  • FINOCON ABSZ WP40 is  compatible  with  a-amylase  and  cellulase  enzymes in garment process applications.
  • FINOCON ABSZ WP40 can  be  used  as  both  wetting and dispersing in desize,  abrasion and clean up after enzymatic abrasion / bleaching.

NOTE: For any application related or technical query about the product, kindly  contact our technical team on [email protected]


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