Finofix PBCT / Finofix PBC Conc

Finofix PBCT / Finofix PBC Conc

An economical high molecular weight polymer for fixing of cellulose dyed/ printed with direct    and reactive dyes.


Appearance                                        :           Clear to yellowish transparent liquid

IonicNature                                        :           Cationic

pH(1%solution)                                  :           6.0–8.0

SpecificGravity250C – 300C                :            1.10 ±0.10


  • Greatly improves the wet fastness properties of direct and reactive dyed and printed cellulose fibres
  • Has little or no effect on the shade of dyeings of prints
  • No impairement of light fastness property
  • Both a complex former and has affinity for the fibre
  • Does not affect the handle of the fibre

NOTE: For any application related or technical query about the product, kindly contact our technical team on [email protected]