Finolube FI / CC

Finolube FI / CC

FINOLUBE FI is a preparation and dye bath lubricant to prevent rope marks, creasing and abrasion in cellulosic fabrics and minimize tendency of colour streakiness in winch/jet machines; it is also an efficient one-bath scour-dye anti-crease auxiliary for jet one-bath scour-dye anti crease auxiliary for jet processing of polyester.


Appearance                                        :           Clear Colorless liquid

Ionic Nature                                      :           Non –Ionic

pH  (1% solution)                              :           5.0  –  7.0

Specific Gravity 250C – 30 0C           :           1.00  ± 0.10


  • Promotes opening of the fabric rope and displacement of folds or creases in cellulosics and
  • It acts as a lubricant when the fabric rubs against itself or machine parts, and eliminates yarn/fiber
  • It has no restraining effect on
  • It is highly stable to caustic alkali and to high electrolyte concentration making it ideal for application of all dyes on cellulosic fibers & their
  • It has excellent emulsifying properties for residual oils, waxes and fats, and enables a single-bath scour-dye process for 100% polyester.
  • It is non foaming and facilitates smooth running in jet machines with higher machine loading at shorter liquor
  • It meets EEC legislation for biodegradability-Biodegradability 83% DOC Removal (Bioeliminiation by modified OECD 301C test, DOC Analysis).

   NOTE: For any application related or technical query about the product, kindly contact our technical team on [email protected]


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