Finostab HYPO

Finostab HYPO

FINOSTAB HYPO is a peroxide neutraliser designed to remove residual peroxide from the bleaching process before dyeing, because of the high sensitivity of many Reactive dyes to the carry forwarded peroxide from the bleaching. Time, water and steam savings are achieved by elimination of intermediate rinses, giving a greater efficiency of process and ensuring shade consistency.


Appearance                       : Colourless Liquid

Ionic Nature                      :  Anionic


  • Provides greater efficiency of process by reducing the time and water required for intermediate rinsing between bleaching and dyeing.
  • Gives a balanced reaction with residual peroxide producing a soluble acid which helps in neutralising any residual alkali.
  • Does not interfere with subsequent Reactive dyeing even if used in excess.

NOTE: For any application related or technical query about the product, kindly contact our technical team on [email protected]