Finozyme 300L / PK CAT

Finozyme 300L / PK CAT

A  concentrated catalyse ( Enzyme) for Peroxide neutralization.


Appearance                                                    : Brownish Liquid

Ionic Nature                                                     :   Anionic


  • Highly effective at low dosages and is eco-friendly
  • To be used in dye-bath before addition of dyes
  • Does not interfere in dyeings, there is no adverse effect on dyeing if used in Excess
  • Helps in reducing process time by less intermediate washes between bleaching and dyeings and thereby reduces effluent load
  • Deactivation of peroxide starts at room temperature itself
  • Unlike other enzymes it has wide range of operating temperature and pH

NOTE: For any application related or technical query about the product, kindly contact our technical team on [email protected]