Finocon LF56

Finocon LF56

FINOCONLF56is a specialty nonionic auxiliary for increasing the wettability & penetration of processing liquors during application , and enhancing the absorbency & hydrophilic character of all textile materials. It has a relatively lower foam profile against anionic &nonionic wetters and is an excellent deaerator.


Appearance                                           :           Clear colorless viscous Liquid

Ionic Nature                                          :           Non –Ionic

pH  (1% solution )                                :           6.5  –  8.5

Specific Gravity 250C – 30 0C            :           0.99 ±0.10


  • Acts to lower surface tension of aqueousliquors atminimal concentration in batch wiseand continuous processing system
  • Does not generate undesirable high foam levels as is the case withanionicandothernonionicwetters.
  • Offers superior cost-performance economics against conventional surface-activeagents.
  • Significantly improves absorbency in substrates which tend to lose this property during finishinge.g. during application of cationic softenersor anticrease resinson cotton and cotton-richwoven’s,hosieryor terry-toweling.
  • It is APs & APEOs -free and readily bio eliminable.


Note: For any application related or technical query about the product, kindly contact our technical team on [email protected]