Finocon PNF

Finocon PNF

FINOCON PNF is high performance low foam, wetting and de-aerating agent for  continuous dyeing of cotton fibre, yarn and fabric, especially for indigo dyeing denim.

Wetting agent for continuous dyeing machines.


Appearance                                        :           Colorless to pale yellow viscous Liquid

Ionic Nature                                      :           Anionic

pH  (1% solution)                   :           5.5  –  7.5

Specific Gravity 250C – 30 0C                      :           1.03 ±0.10


  • Providesrapidwettingatcoldandhottemperatures.
  • Improvesthepadbathpick-uppadding.
  • Due to excellent wetting property, greige fabrics are effectively wettedoutevenat ambient temperature with improved penetration.
  • Wetting and de-aerating agentin thepHrangebetween6 and14.
  • Low foaming in package dyeing ,beck,sulphur,indigo and direct dyeing.
  • Also improves dye up take in batch machines such as jiggers.
  • Compatible with most anionic and non-ionic textile auxiliaries.
  • Ensuresrapidanduniformde-aerationandwettingforallcottonsubstrates.
  • Suitableforcontinuousdyeingforindigo,vat,reactive,directandsulphurdyes.

    NOTE: For any application related or technical query about the product, kindly contact our technical team on [email protected]

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